First National Bank of Scranton, PA (Charter 77-2697-77)

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This should be a contemporary postcard or photo of the bank. (Set Height x300px)

First National Bank of Scranton, PA (Chartered 1863 - Open past 1935)

Town History

This could be recent photo of the bank or another postcard. (Set Height x300px)

Scranton is located in Lackawanna County.

Scranton had 10 National Banks chartered during the Bank Note Era, and eight of those banks issued National Bank Notes.

Bank History

Charter 77 Bank History:

  • Chartered Sep 7, 1863
  • 1: Liquidated May 18, 1882
  • 1: Succeeded by 2697 (First National Bank of, Scranton, PA)
  • 2: Charter 77 reassigned to 2697 Oct 19, 1911 (First National Bank of, Scranton, PA)
  • 2: Assumed 13040 by consolidation Apr 1, 1927 (County NB (No Issue), Scranton, PA)
  • 2: Assumed 4183 and its circulation by consolidation Nov 30, 1929 (Traders National Bank, Scranton, PA)
  • Bank was Open past 1935

Charter 2697 Bank History:

  • Organized May 5, 1882
  • Chartered May 19, 1882
  • Succeeded 77 (First National Bank of, Scranton, PA)
  • Retook charter 77 Oct 19, 1911 (First National Bank of, Scranton, PA)

Official Bank Title(s)

1: The First National Bank of Scranton, PA

2: The First National Bank of (10/19/1911), Scranton, PA

Bank Note Types Issued

Large size bank note here. Example: 1882 Brown Back $5 bank note with pen signatures of John Doe, Cashier and Jill Smith, President. Courtesy of... (Set Height x260px)
Small size bank note here. Example: 1929 Type 1 $10 bank note with printed signatures of John Doe, Cashier and Jill Smith, President. Courtesy of... (Set Height x220px)

Charter 77 Bank Note Types Issued:

A total of $29,103,960 in National Bank Notes was issued by charter 77 between 1863 and 1935. This consisted of a total of 2,375,302 notes (1,233,416 large size and 1,141,886 small size notes).

This bank issued the following Types and Denominations of bank notes:

Series/Type Sheet/Denoms Serial#s Sheet Comments
1: Original Series 4x5 1 - 5450
1: Original Series 3x10-20 1 - 7084
1: Series 1875 3x10-20 1 - 474
2: 1902 Date Back 3x10-20 1 - 61000
2: 1902 Plain Back 3x10-20 61001 - 295346
2: 1929 Type 1 6x10 1 - 95400
2: 1929 Type 1 6x20 1 - 27452
2: 1929 Type 2 10 1 - 326396
2: 1929 Type 2 20 1 - 78378

Charter 2697 Bank Note Types Issued:

A total of $5,101,100 in National Bank Notes was issued by charter 2697 between 1882 and 1911. This consisted of a total of 408,088 notes (408,088 large size and No small size notes).

This bank issued the following Types and Denominations of bank notes:

Series/Type Sheet/Denoms Serial#s Sheet Comments
1882 Brown Back 3x10-20 1 - 10522
1902 Red Seal 3x10-20 1 - 33500
1902 Date Back 3x10-20 1 - 58000

Bank Presidents and Cashiers

Bank Presidents and Cashiers during the National Bank Note Era (1863 - 1935):

Charter 77 Bank Presidents and Cashiers:



Charter 2697 Bank Presidents and Cashiers:



Other Known Bank Note Signers

  • No other known bank note signers for this bank

Bank Note History Links
