John D. Snyder (Liverpool, PA)
John D. Snyder (August 31, 1863 – December 6, 1951)
- Name: John D. Snyder
- Birth: Aug. 31, 1863 Liverpool, PA
- Death: Dec. 6, 1951 Liverpool, PA (and is buried there)
- Vice President (1906-1922) and President (1923-1941), First National Bank of Liverpool (8326)
- State Assembly 1907-1908, Democrat
- Son of Banker George C. Snyder, Director, Duncannon National Bank (4142)
John D. Snyder was born in Liverpool, Perry County, Pennsylvania August 31, 1863, the son of George C. and Mary (nee Zaring) Snyder. In 1860, Liverpool had a population of 662 and had been growing steadily with the opening of the Susquehanna Division of the Pennsylvania Canal in 1831.
George C. Snyder was one of the most prominent men in Perry County, making his home in Liverpool. He was largely engaged in the forwarding and commission as well as mercantile businesses and along with partner, L.C. Zimmerman also of Liverpool, was one of the most successful men on the east side of the Susquehanna River. He was a director of the Duncannon National Bank and a frequent visitor to that town found at the confluence of the Juniata and Susquehanna Rivers. For a number of years he was Director of the Poor (1879-1883); in politics he was an ardent and influential democrat. He was a fellow bank director with the Hon. John Holman Sheibley, editor of the New Bloomfield Advocate and Press and former Republican Pennsylvania State Congressman.
After attending Bryant & Stratton College, John D. Snyder engaged in the railroad ties and retail coal business in Selinsgrove for three years and later formed a partnership with Jerre D. Bogar in the Harrisburg Lumber Company. He was married to Miss Lena W. Snyder [Helena Weaver Snyder (1864-1958)] on May 25, 1890. Rev. A.W. Maxwell officiated the marriage of the Snyder-Snyder couple in Liverpool. Miss Snyder was a graduate of the Lock Haven State Teachers College and taught school in Liverpool and Liverpool Township for a number of years. She was very active in the EUB church. Her father, Charles Snyder (1836-1909) would be the first president of Liverpool's only National Bank.
John sold his interest in the lumber concern to Bogar and on the death of his father in 1893, returned to Liverpool. He was engaged in the banking business and politics in Perry County as a Director of the Duncannon National Bank inheriting that role from his father as was common practice at the time. He joined his father's business partner, L.C. Zimmerman as a fellow bank director. He was elected a Vice President (1906-1922) upon opening of the First National Bank of Liverpool.
On Nov. 12, 1906 it was learned that John D. Snyder would represent the county in the Pennsylvania Legislature as a Democratic Congressman in the upcoming term. Liverpool was treated to a grand parade, with a twenty-member band from Millersburg, a decorated wagon with a number of ladies, followed by a large number on foot, some carrying torches and others red lights or Roman candles creating a red blaze half the length of town. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Snyder hosted the post parade dinner in honor of the newly elected J.D. Snyder along with some close friends. The hostess created an elaborate menu and most notably served oysters, turkey and ice cream. John served just one term and did not run in the 1908 election.
In 1923, he was elected President of the First National Bank of Liverpool upon the death of William L. Lenhart. Lenhart, like Snyder, was a staunch democrat. He was paired with H.A.S. Shuler who was elected cashier upon opening of the First National Bank in 1906; this team would guide the bank through the Great Depression that was about to descend on the country in just a few years.
In 1950 he reached his 60th anniversary as a member of Lafayette Lodge No. 194, Free and Accepted Masons of Selinsgrove. He was a lifelong member of the Liverpool Evangelical United Brethren (EUB) Church and a member of the Liverpool Chapter, Patriotic Order Sons of America.
The Hon. John D. Snyder died at the age of 88 at his home in Liverpool after an illness of four weeks. His funeral was held in the Liverpool EUB Church, his pastor, the Rev. M.O. Mickey, officiated, assisted by the Rev. G.D. Strail, pastor of the Lutheran Church in Liverpool. Burial was made in the Liverpool cemetery.
Bank Officer Summary
During his banking career, J. D. Snyder was involved with the following bank(s):
- Duncannon National Bank, Duncannon, PA (Charter 4142): Director 1894...1934
- First National Bank, Liverpool, PA (Charter 8326): Vice President 1906-1922, President 1923-1935

- Obituary: The Perry County Times, New Bloomfield, PA, Thu., Dec. 13, 1951
- Pennsylvania State Legislature History website (Bio page for John D. Snyder)
- Banks & Bankers Historical Database (1782-1935),
- The Perry County Democrat, Bloomfield, PA, Wed., June 14, 1893.
- Duncannon Record, Duncannon, PA, Fri., June 16, 1893.
- The Perry County Democrat, Bloomfield, PA, Wed., Nov. 14, 1906.
- The Perry County Democrat, Bloomfield, PA, Wed., Apr. 7, 1909.
- The Selinsgrove Times-Tribune, Selinsgrove, PA, Thu., Dec. 22, 1949
- The Daily Item, Sunbury, PA, Fri., Dec. 7, 1951.
- The Perry County Times, New Bloomfield, PA, Thu., Dec. 13, 1951.
- The Daily Item, Sunbury, PA, Thu., Sep. 25, 1958.