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Kewanee National Bank, Kewanee, IL (Charter 4854)

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Needed: a contemporary postcard or photo of the bank.

Kewanee National Bank, Kewanee, IL (Chartered 1893 - Liquidated 1912)

Town History

Kewanee is a city in Henry County, Illinois. "Kewanee" is the Winnebago word for greater prairie chicken, which lived there. Few performances in the bird world are more memorable than the dawn display of Greater Prairie Chickens at their booming ground, or lek—the traditional spot where males dance, call, and try to impress females with their vigor. The population of Kewanee was 12,916 at the 2010 census, down from 12,944 in 2000. In 1900 the population was 8,382.

Kewanee was once known for its fire-tube boiler industry. The Kewanee Boiler Corporation manufactured and sold boilers throughout the world for over one hundred years. The company shuttered in 2002, however, boilers manufactured in Kewanee are still in common use. The Kewanee High School athletic teams are nicknamed the "Boilermakers" as was the minor league baseball team. The Kewanee Boilermakers minor league baseball team played in the Central Association from 1908–1913. In 1948–1949, the Kewanee A's rejoined the Central Association. Kewanee was an affiliate of the Philadelphia Athletics (1948–1949).

Kewanee had three National Banks chartered during the Bank Note Era, and all three of those banks issued National Bank Notes.

Bank History

  • Organized December 13, 1892
  • Chartered June 21, 1893
  • Liquidated December 12, 1912
  • Succeeded by Kewanee State Savings Bank and Trust Company

On Tuesday, January 12, 1897, about 50 of the stockholders of the Kewanee National Bank met in their hall at 2 o'clock for the election of directors for the coming year and to listen to the annual report given by the cashier, R.E. Taylor, after which an opportunity was given to anyone to ask questions of the management of the bank, or on points of interest to them. All seemed pleased with the report, as it showed that the past year had been a prosperous one for the bank, and the earnings far above the average. The business increased and the bank was never in a more prosperous condition. The old directors were all re-elected, as follows: G.A. Anthony, Andrew Hallin, Joshua Cole, H.C. Huntington, W.H. Cole, D.K. Fell, D.F. Fuerst, P.H. Neville and R.E. Taylor. The old officers were re-elected, as follows: President, G.A. Anthony; vice president, D.K. Fell; cashier, R.E. Taylor; assistant cashier, R.O. Becker.

On November 8, 1911, William E. Grand, a milkman, walked into the Kewanee National Bank and astonished the teller by presenting two large pails of money for deposit. All the coins Lincoln pennies and there were 5,462 of them. They were accumulated in two years by Mr. Brand.

On December 12, 1897, after 20 years as a national bank, the Kewanee National Bank became a state bank under the name of the Kewanee State Savings Bank and Trust Company.

Official Bank Title(s)

1: The Kewanee National Bank, Kewanee, IL

Bank Note Types Issued

1882 Brown Back $10 bank note with pen signatures of R.E. Taylor, Cashier and George A. Anthony, President.
1882 Brown Back $10 bank note with pen signatures of R.E. Taylor, Cashier and George A. Anthony, President. Courtesy of Lyn Knight Auctions,
1882 Date Back $20 bank note with pen signatures of R.E. Taylor, Cashier and D.K. Fell, Vice President.
1882 Date Back $20 bank note with pen signatures of R.E. Taylor, Cashier and D.K. Fell, Vice President. Courtesy of Heritage Auctions,

A total of $370,500 in National Bank Notes was issued by this bank between 1893 and 1912. This consisted of a total of 29,640 notes (29,640 large size and No small size notes).

This bank issued the following Types and Denominations of bank notes:

Series/Type Sheet/Denoms Serial#s Sheet Comments
1882 Brown Back 3x10-20 1 - 4700
1882 Date Back 3x10-20 1 - 2710

Bank Presidents and Cashiers

Bank Presidents and Cashiers during the National Bank Note Era (1893 - 1912):



Other Bank Note Signers

Wiki Links


  • Kewanee, IL, Wikipedia,,_Illinois
  • Don C. Kelly, National Bank Notes, A Guide with Prices. 6th Edition (Oxford, OH: The Paper Money Institute, 2008).
  • Dean Oakes and John Hickman, Standard Catalog of National Bank Notes. 2nd Edition (Iola, WI: Krause Publications, 1990).
  • Banks & Bankers Historical Database (1782-1935),
  • The Kewanee Star, Kewanee, IL, Fri., Jan. 15, 1897.
  • The Rock Island Argus, Rock Island, IL, Fri., Dec. 13, 1912.