Peoples National Bank, Waynesboro, PA (Charter 4445)

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Peoples National Bank, Waynesboro, PA (Chartered 1890 - Closed 1920)

Town History

Waynesboro is a borough in Franklin County, Pennsylvania, on the southern border of the state. Waynesboro is in the Cumberland Valley between Hagerstown, Maryland, and Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. It is 2 miles north of the Mason–Dixon line and close to Camp David and the Raven Rock Mountain Complex. The population within the borough limits was 10,568 at the 2010 census.

Beginning in 1751 a certain John Wallace obtained several warrants for the land on which the center of the town now stands. In 1797 John Wallace, a son of the original British settler, laid out the town of Waynesburg. When incorporated in 1831, the borough was given the name "Waynesboro." It is one of several dozen towns, cities, and counties named after General Anthony Wayne, a hero of the American Revolutionary War.

During the American Civil War, Waynesboro played a part in the Gettysburg Campaign in June and July 1863. In the week before the Battle of Gettysburg, Confederate Major General Jubal Early's division of Lieutenant General Richard S. Ewell's corps of the Army of Northern Virginia passed through the community on its way northward. After the battle, General Robert E. Lee rode through the border community with his retreating forces.

By the early years of the 20th century, Waynesboro had become a very industrial town. It was known for the manufacture of engines, boilers, grinders, threshers, boring machines, bolt cutters, wood and iron workers' vises, nut facers, etc. There were also foundries and machine shops and manufacturers of lumber products. Some local companies included Frick Company, Geiser Manufacturing, Waynesboro Knitting Mill, Connie's Sportwear, Freeman's Shoes, Landis Machine Company, and Landis Tool Company. In 1900, 5,396 people lived in the town; in 1910, 7,199 people; and in 1940, 10,231 people.

Waynesboro had five National Banks chartered during the Bank Note Era, and four of those banks issued National Bank Notes.

Bank History

  • Organized September 19, 1890
  • Chartered October 15, 1890
  • Assumed 244 by consolidation Jan 28, 1895 (First National Bank, Waynesboro, PA)
  • Closed December 31, 1920
  • Consolidated with 11866 Dec 31, 1920 (First National Bank/First NB & TC, Waynesboro, PA)

Official Bank Title(s)

1: The Peoples National Bank of Waynesboro, PA

Bank Note Types Issued

1882 Brown Back $5 bank note with pen signatures of J.H. Stoner, Cashier and Daniel Hoover, President.
1882 Brown Back $5 bank note with pen signatures of J.H. Stoner, Cashier and Daniel Hoover, President. Courtesy of Lyn Knight Auctions,
1882 Brown Back $10 bank note with pen signatures of J.H. Stoner, Cashier and W.T. Omwake, President.
1882 Brown Back $10 bank note with pen signatures of J.H. Stoner, Cashier and W.T. Omwake, President. Courtesy of Heritage Auctions,

A total of $1,100,010 in National Bank Notes was issued by this bank between 1890 and 1920. This consisted of a total of 113,424 notes (113,424 large size and No small size notes).

This bank issued the following Types and Denominations of bank notes:

Series/Type Sheet/Denoms Serial#s Sheet Comments
1882 Brown Back 4x5 1 - 9750
1882 Brown Back 3x10-20 1 - 3940
1882 Date Back 4x5 1 - 843
1882 Date Back 3x10-20 1 - 1691
1902 Date Back 3x10-20 1 - 6600
1902 Plain Back 3x10-20 6601 - 12132

Bank Presidents and Cashiers

Bank Presidents and Cashiers during the National Bank Note Era (1890 - 1920):



Other Bank Note Signers

  • There are currently no known Vice President or Assistant Cashier bank note signers for this bank.

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